About Us

Padfinder.com.ph is a real estate website to offer sellers, buyers, and renters a secure and easy-to-use platform to find or list properties online.

About Us

Looking For Best Home

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15 years of experience.

We Are Experienced Real Estate Partner

Real Estate means property and the fixed assets on it. Buying and selling of home, land, property.
Real Estate Appraisal
When a property needs to be settled, divided, or liquidated, we will help you provide an impartial estimate of its market value, making disputes easier to solve and settle.
Favourite Properties
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Premium Quality
We want you to help you make a confident and informed decision about renting or buying with a trusted expert on your side! If you would like to learn more about the pros and cons of renting or buying, call us today!.
Finance Realestate
Will provide an objective valuation of real property (appraisal) and to assist those who own, rent, sell, manage, lend, or invest in commercial real estate or residential real estate properties.

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